The essential role of AI in cloud technology

The future of AI and cloud technology integration

As multiple industries shift more into the world of cloud computing, talks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration in order to enhance cloud performance has continued at a dramatic pace. Combining both AI and cloud technology together, is beneficial to varying degrees, nevertheless, there is still some further progress to be made across the substantial challenges that technical developers are facing for a more cohesive integration.

Cloud computing alone allows companies to be more flexible whilst simultaneously providing economic value when hosting data and applications on the cloud. AI-powered analytical data insights plays an essential role in its enhanced capabilities in data management However, it begs the question, can AI and cloud unification streamline data efficiently and what other benefits can arise from this integration?

The role of AI integration

Due to the financial and personal sensitivity in which organizations carry, thoughts also turn to the important question of integration effectiveness and more specifically how well it can protect privacy companies are continually at risk of a potentially serious cybersecurity breach, especially because an increased rate of workforces are now working from home remotely. What many fail to realize, however, is that the cloud itself has incredibly secure security measures which block malicious web traffic through its extensive cloud firewall. An AI system substantially heightens this protection – detecting fraudulent activity based on its analytics, and anticipating multiple attacks before they even occur. In other words – having both AI and cloud technology is akin to having the ultimate super-team protection during online activity.

As increasingly more enterprises choose to invest in cloud technology, there has been a noticeable difference throughout company structures, where workflow has become more streamlined. It is clear that cloud computing as a whole, offers more agility by having all information readily available online. Data can be shared instantly between multiple devices, among various people within a company, reaching employees both across the office, and in different continents. AI offers a whole new layer to optimizing work systems, and data analysis through formed patterns, providing solutions for better quality of service for customers.

This optimization is essential due to the amount of data that the cloud possesses. Focusing on workflow enhancements in particular through this integration process improves productivity and mitigates errors in data processes. The cloud holds company information, plus the data from each employee, and with new information coming in each day, it is important to be able to command it in the most flexible and agile way that drives the digital transformation of the organization as whole.

The digital age of AI

In this current digital age, AI has the potential to impact businesses across multiple sectors substantially. When considering all of the techniques of AI utilities, it is estimated that between $3.5 trillion and $5.8 trillion could be generated annually across 19 countries, simply by integrating AI into their online workspaces. It has been predicted that cloud computing could be able to self-manage once the AI technology advances and becomes substantially more sophisticated. This means that the system would be able to monitor and manage any issues that arise and fix the issues itself, which would in turn, allow technical developers to focus their attention on the bigger picture of the strategic value of the company rather than simple system repairs. This results in a unique and powerful combination that companies can use to their advantage.

Lowering costs is a feat that every business around the globe is trying to achieve, and with cloud technology and AI integration, it can become reality. These automated solutions simplify tasks immensely, eradicating the need for manned data centers within organizations. Costs are also cut in research and development, as the AI/cloud integration can do those tasks at no additional cost.

The issues of ethics and practical implementation

While the cost-effective benefits of merging AI with cloud technology has many companies smiling, it calls into question the ethics behind employee security. Previously, there have been utterances of AI replacing a human workforce which has continually dispelled over time. Nonetheless, it does not stop workers from being concerned that AI could begin to play a larger role in a company than they do in the future.

With optimization on the tip of enterprise’s tongue, and a lessened need for workers in positions that operating systems can do better, fasting and with fewer errors, concerns are justified. It is the role of employers to assure their employees that these systems are there to work alongside them to increase work efficiency and to understand that it’s not there to replace human ability, but to augment it.

There are also concerns regarding the importance of privacy of AI/Cloud systems. As previously stated, it is a wonderful tool to secure online systems to prevent fraudulent activity – but can it be too secure? Some of the data analysis can result in false positives, accusing consumers incorrectly and inconveniencing them by the same system designed to help them. Errors like these show that human monitors are still required to ensure cases like these are few, and are able to correct these mistakes when they do occur.

Is merging AI and cloud technology worth it?

Cloud technology and AI evolving simultaneously can completely change the way people communicate and interact with technology on the whole. While yes, there are varying concerns regarding how much value AI can truly deliver if there isn’t sufficient quality data available. However, when adequate data is on hand, the integration of these advanced technologies can reduce the complexity of system processes, and aid us all with the understanding to take better courses of action.

Having technology that creates innovative ideas in order to improve upon the market, not only benefits the enterprises utilizing the tech, but also the consumers who may rely on the result of these ideas. AI and cloud technology are being utilized at an ever increasing rate, and they are propelling the wider use of tech within society to new heights, and it is not expected to slow down any time soon.

Source – The essential role of AI in cloud technology

Cloud Computing: secure and flexible technology for agile businesses

Flexible, scalable, accessible, secure and tailor-made services. Cloud computing allows companies to access their data no matter where or when it is needed, and has encouraged the development of other services related to management and access to other digital tools to foster innovation at lower cost.

The development of Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs, and the advance of connectivity have driven the growth of such innovative and revolutionary tools for companies and organisations as Cloud Computing, a concept that may seem abstract if we think of the literal meaning of ‘cloud’, but its usefulness is gaining more and more users.  

This technology offers services and tools that are stored remotely (in the cloud), and run on users’ devices. It uses connectivity as a means to deliver them, as they are stored in the cloud.  

In this way, companies can not only enjoy access to a wide range of software, storage services and other tools based on new technologies, but also store and manage the data of companies, organisations and individuals in such a way that they are always accessible.  

How Cloud Computing works 

Cloud platforms give instant access to the information stored there, as well as to a number of services and tools such as data analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the management of the Internet of Things (IoT), so that these tools and services are always up-to-date. 

How is this possible? Cloud Computing works on the design of a network of connected servers. Thus, the servers take on the role of administrators, i.e. they are in charge of making the system work, and make it possible for users to connect to the cloud service.  

In this way, users connect to the cloud via an intuitive and easy-to-use front-end application interface. The other part of the cloud computing system is the cloud service, known as the back end.  

There are four types of cloud: public, hybrid private and multi-cloud, depending on whether the services are provided through shared servers with several users, such as Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services, or whether access is limited to a specific group of users; while hybrid clouds are the result of connecting a private cloud with a public cloud, and if the services of several cloud providers are used, it will be a multi-cloud. 

Advantages of working in the cloud 

The main advantage is that, as everything is stored in the cloud, access to it all is via the internet from anywhere on the planet, and from any device, which facilitates, among many other things, teleworking and hybrid work (face-to-face and remote) and saves companies from having and maintaining their own physical servers, and this reduces costs.  

Updates are performed almost automatically by the company providing the Cloud services, without this being done on a device-by-device basis. This gives companies access to state-of-the-art tools and powerful connectivity infrastructures at no extra cost.  

Agility is another of the main advantages offered by Cloud Computing. Companies and organisations become more efficient by having fast and secure access to innovative tools that make their work easier; they take advantage of the flexibility of digitalisation by offering tailor-made and scalable solutions, depending on the needs of the moment, and pay only for it. In this way, companies can launch more ambitious projects without having to think about large expenditures.  

Without losing control of their digital resources, customers of these services enjoy constant maintenance of the connectivity infrastructures, as well as support for these, which is provided by the company that provides the Cloud Computing service, guaranteeing total integration with existing tools and infrastructures, without the need for extra investment.  

Cybersecurity in the cloud 

However, security is probably the most prominent feature of cloud computing. These services guarantee the total confidentiality of the information stored, as well as the prevention of cyber-attacks on these platforms, as it is capable of stopping any type of attack or hacking attempt by unknown users.  

Sectors such as the public administration, banking, defence, health and industry, among others, already use this type of service, due to the reliability it provides. This is achieved thanks to the use of Blockchain, as data security is paramount: from data storage and management, to the administration of virtual desktops and tools especially focused on sales and customer management, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) applications or ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning), or the creation of backup copies. Thus, in the event of a crisis, data recovery is fast and reliable. 

Blockchain is a decentralised technology capable of tracking any access to the cloud. The use of both technologies has grown so much that there is even talk of Blockchain solutions in the cloud, facilitating their implementation in all types of companies.  

Gaia-X: the European Cloud Computing Project  

Following the success of cloud services already offered by large technology companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Tencent and Alibaba, Europe has launched a project called GAIA-X. It aims to be a secure alternative in a market led by the US and China, since data is already part of the infrastructure of the digital economy, as the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation points out. 

GAIA-X is a European non-profit association of companies created to promote digital sovereignty in cloud environments. It aims to become a common European cloud-based data infrastructure, offering access control and re-use capabilities to those who produce information, through the creation of national hubs.  

This project is within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and is supported by Next Generation EU funds to promote the so-called data economy, which requires a highly developed cloud, as well as “infrastructure services to store and process data, an architecture for sharing data between the different actors and high-capacity, secure, resilient and reliable connectivity”, according to the Ministry.

Source – Cloud Computing: secure and flexible technology

General Cyber Security – Basics of Cyber security

In the last article we looked at the types of attacks. In this article we are going to look into the best practises you can follow to make your business as secure as possible.

Basics of Cyber security

Good data backup

It is crucial that you have a solid backup plan in place because cyber-attacks are more frequent than ever. By doing so, you can ensure that your IT systems and data are protected in the case of an attack. This is crucial because without them, your company will cease to function and ultimately fail.

The backup rule of 3-2-1 is what we advise. That is easy; you must always have three copies of your data, two of which must be on different storage media, and one of which must be kept offsite for disaster recovery. You may unwind and feel at ease knowing that there will always be a way to continue working when you have three copies of your data spread out in three distinct locations.

Data backup is by far one of the best tools to help you achieve risk management, which is the core concept of cyber security. You must make it possible for your team to continue working after an attack or disaster has occurred, as a cyber attack isn’t regarded as a sufficient reason to halt operations in their tracks. Customers aren’t the most understanding people, as you are probably aware; regardless of whether you have had a cyberattack, they will still want you to meet their expectations.

Secure passwords

We use good, secure passwords every day in the current world, therefore they should be a must. We have all heard the advice that using repeated numbers, symbols, or sequences is improper, and that using 12345 or ABCD is insufficient. Excellent passwords are fully random, hard to remember, and have no connection to you at all—just hard enough that you won’t forget them yourself.

To guarantee that they are operating as safely as possible, teach your employees to adhere to these guidelines when creating passwords. They can successfully combat the online crooks by adhering to these regulations.

• Use multi-factor authentication when it’s available.

• Keep this in mind when you enter the password; if it’s too simple to remember, try again. Go outside the box a bit and be mysterious. Avoid readily remembered consecutive passwords and repeated digits (such as 1234, 6789).

• Whenever possible, use a combination of letters and digits to make your password longer than 10 characters; the rule of thumb for passwords is that the longer, the better.

• Use random upper- and lower-case letters when creating your passwords. For instance, instead of starting with a capital letter at the beginning like everyone else, you can consider doing it towards the conclusion or even at random intervals throughout. The more obscure, like we mentioned, the better.

• Change your password on a regular basis; sometimes accounts are compromised without the account holder’s knowledge.

Considering that passwords constitute the first line of defence against cyberattacks, they are possibly the most crucial of all. Yet, users frequently don’t view passwords in this way; instead, they view them as a hassle, and we can’t blame them for that. A long, complex password can be tedious to type each time you log on or off, so some people make their passwords simple to remember and enter. Do not do this. More than anything else, data security must be a priority. It is important to treat the inconvenience as such. The security of your system comes first at all times, therefore always select lengthy, difficult-to-remember passwords.

Manage permissions

Controlling permissions is crucial—in fact, it’s vital—because if a hacker successfully gains access to your system because of inadequate or lax access rights, this could lead to data loss or theft. As an alternative, your security settings may occasionally be purposefully changed discreetly, opening the door for later, more well-planned attacks.

Anti-malware measures

All of your laptops and PCs, whether they are at home or at the office, need anti-malware software. The majority of operating systems have a free version. While it’s great that the vendor is giving you something for free to protect your systems, these free defences are frequently ineffective against the sophisticated attacks that cybercriminals can now launch. As a result, you should replace them right away with more advanced models.

Data encryption

This one can be very perplexing because the whole point of all these cyber security measures is to prevent your data from being encrypted by a cybercriminal, but you have to encrypt it first. Confused? If you weren’t, it would surprise me. Encrypting your own data doesn’t sound like the correct thing to do, but encrypting your own data is fundamentally different than a third party doing it without your permission. Data encryption works by encrypting your files’ and documents’ readable text so that only people you choose and authorise access to can read it. Encrypt your data as soon as possible to prevent cybercriminals from accessing it.

We hope that by highlighting the significance of cyber security in the current technological era, this essay has been helpful. We hope that by educating you on the most common attack vectors employed by cybercriminals as well as some effective countermeasures, your online environment will be safer and you and your team will be able to move forward with confidence knowing that your systems are ready for a cyberattack that could potentially be fatal to your business.

Modern Technology to Safeguard your Success

Your business depends on technology, and we want you to recognise the benefits it can bring when used in tandem with the most modern tools available. We offer the IT help you require when you require it at 4TC because we appreciate simplicity and transparency. This support includes a promise that your technology is safe from all kinds of online dangers, that it will help you run your business more efficiently, and that it will always be upgraded to the most recent version. We will assist you and direct you towards a safe and prosperous future where technology will be your buddy. Call us right away to learn how we can assist you.

General Cyber Security- Types of Attacks

The workplace in the modern world relies almost totally on technology to function at the level to which we have all grown used. Because of this, cybercrime has increased significantly over the past year or two. Because technology now rules the globe, cybersecurity should be your top business priority. Everyone should have at least a basic understanding of cyber security and their responsibility in protecting their internet-connected devices from cybercrime because the majority of the population has access to internet-connected devices, and most people have numerous of them. Although many business owners are unaware of how crucial cyber security is, there is a case to be made that your concerns about the security of your cyber landscape should take precedence over your worries about the physical security of your organisation. Would you let the weather in by leaving the front door open all day? No! Why then do you employ the same technical landscape?

Cybercriminals are intelligent. They are using the increase in web-connected devices in the hands of people who, quite frankly, lack the knowledge necessary to use them safely as an opening to launch an attack. They feel that robbing someone from the comfort of their own room is preferable to going into a store and doing it in person and are attracted by the supposed anonymity that comes with cybercrime.

The rest of the essay will showcase the various strategies cybercriminals employ to target your company.

Types of Attacks


Your data is locked and encrypted during a ransomware assault. The cybercriminals then demand a ransom in exchange for the promise to restore your access, after which they will disappear. Cybercriminals utilise haste to persuade you to pay the ransom; they impose deadlines on payments and make threats to remove the files if they aren’t received as requested within the specified time frame. Naturally, this often results in business owners paying the ransom. Some people believe paying a ransom since your data is almost priceless is acceptable, but do you really believe you can trust a criminal to restore your access? You can’t, of course! Paying would be a bad idea since you would be signalling to the online crooks that you have the money to pay and are ready to do so.


Attacks using phishing also use deceit. A cybercriminal will assume another person’s identity, usually that of an authoritative person from a reliable source, such a bank or perhaps even management. To obtain confidential information, they deploy this trick in phoney or fraudulent emails. Phishing emails are the delivery system for the malicious links that serve as the impetus for the cybercriminal’s attack; unfortunately, the use of a false identity and the imposed time constraints force the user to make a decision on the spur of the moment rather than carefully considering all of their options as is best practise. The user will unwittingly provide access—or possibly even control—to the cybercriminals by clicking on the infected link since they think the ruse could be devastating.


The sole distinction between Smishing and a Phishing scam is that the former uses SMS messaging while the latter uses email. Both are straightforward to grasp.


Malware is created with the goal of doing harm, wreaking havoc, and ultimately stealing data. In contrast to other cyberattacks, malware attacks are frequently carried out by a group of cybercriminals rather than a single person when their goal is to generate money by either directly spreading the malware or by selling the software to other cybercriminals on the Dark Web.

There are many different kinds of cyberattacks, but the few we looked at are probably the most prevalent and the ones you and your team will probably be fending off every day. Despite this, all cyberattacks, not just the most frequent ones, have the potential to entirely shut down your company if they are severe enough. Your systems and, more crucially, your team need to be outfitted with the tools and knowledge required to defeat them because you must devise a plan of action and stop them in their tracks at the earliest chance.

We’ll now go over some of the principles of cyber security so you can rest easy knowing your company can carry on as usual even if a cyberattack is launched or, in the worst situation, is successful.

Modern Technology to Safeguard your Success

Your business depends on technology, and we want you to recognise the benefits it can bring when used in tandem with the most modern tools available. We offer the IT help you require when you require it at 4TC because we appreciate simplicity and transparency. This support includes a promise that your technology is safe from all kinds of online dangers, that it will help you run your business more efficiently, and that it will always be upgraded to the most recent version. We will assist you and direct you towards a safe and prosperous future where technology will be your buddy. Call us right away to learn how we can assist you.